Bad Actor導演 侯黑庫奇 Jorge CUCHÍ
★☆★ 亞洲首映
★☆★ 2023 塔林黑夜影展
啟發自1972 年的電影《巴黎最後探戈》,三十多年後,女主角瑪麗亞施奈德方公開講述當時與男主角馬龍白蘭度、導演貝托魯奇合作的痛苦經歷。以此為藍本,導演用類紀錄片視角,描繪娛樂產業中的女性處境。在近年#MeToo 浪潮中,探索合意及認知落差的模糊界線,亦揭示了在龐大權力結構下,對於職場性侵害與性騷擾事件,當事人講述經歷、探究真相與伸張正義之艱難。
On a film shoot, actress Sandra Navarro accuses actor Daniel Zavala of abusing her during a sex scene. Daniel proclaims his innocence, Sandra decides to press charges, while the production tries to prevent the incident from turning into a scandal. Bad Actor is a nuanced, incisive and thrilling drama set in the post #MeToo era about consent, search of truth and justice in a case of sexual assault.