To Meet to Forget導演 施佑倫 SHIH Yu-lun
★☆★ 世界首映
2016 年,因殺警案被判死刑定讞的鄭性澤,在有心人士奔走下,幸運走出死牢。歷經十四年監禁,他努力重返社會,為再審做準備,期盼徹底還他清白。然而,身體自由了,心卻靜不了。他總是忘不掉當年與殉職警員的幼子四目相對時,那雙認定他是殺父兇手的眼睛,何況昔日幼子今成警察,對其獲釋深感憤慨。一冤將平,但深結之怨何解?如果可以,他想與那孩子見個面,從此忘記彼此。
長年與平冤協會合作的導演施佑倫,繼《鄭性澤的48 小時》記錄重獲新生的時刻之後,續以《相見相忘》鎖定同案後續。不只梳理冤案細節,更在長期跟拍下,細數人的狀態。透過被攝者的反思,對於少被關注的死者家屬,也不忘給予關懷。平冤非關正反,兩造盡是受害者。司法平反後,更難撫平的,是人們內心的傷口。
In 2016, Cheng Hsing-tse walked out of the prison as the first death-row inmate pending a retrial requested by prosecutors. Cheng was acquitted at last. Yet he cannot forget the kid he met on the day he was led in shackles by the police to pay respects to the kid's father at the mortuary. The kid must have grown up by now. Cheng wants to meet him again to forget about each other.