《那一夜》《One Night》
白石和彌SHIRAISHI Kazuya日本Japan|2019|DCP|Colour|123min
2019 東京影展
改編自日本劇作家桑原裕子的舞台劇,擅長處理社會議題的鬼才導演白石和彌將手術刀深入一樁家庭悲劇,切開幽微難解的親情圖像。 當至親成為罪犯,作為「獲救的人」得到抑或失去了什麼?血緣羈絆又如何穿過司法,乃至於整個社會的觀感,抵達最終的理解?鈴木亮平、佐藤健、松岡茉優三兄妹真情演出,說服力十足,詮釋母親的田中裕子釋放的爆發力和層次更是不容錯過。
One night, three children wait for their parents to come home. When their mother Koharu finally turns up, she makes a shocking confession that she has just killed her husband to protect her children from his relentless violence. Vowing to return in 15 years, she turns herself in to the police. When Koharu returns exactly 15 years later, can she repair the bonds with her children after being torn apart?
白石和彌,1971 年生於北海道,師從若松孝二,2010 年以首部劇情長片《Lost Paradise in Tokyo》展開導演生涯,作品風格反映社會現實。2017 年、2018 年分別以《她不知道那些鳥的名字》與《孤狼之血》,連續兩年奪得日本藍絲帶獎最佳導演。
Shiraishi Kazuya studied under director Wakamatsu Koji and worked as Wakamatsu's assistant director. Following the success of
The Devil's Path (2013), he directed numerous controversial films, including Twisted Justice
(2016), Birds Without Names (2017) and The Blood of Wolves (2018).